Smart Saving Calculator

Starco Smart Saving Calculator can help you scope out
the savings based on wattage, operation hours
and other parameters

Lighting Payback Calculator

Basic Model for Retrofitting
Existing Lamps New Starco Lamps
Tubular Fluorescent Lamp Type Tubular LED Lamp Type
Wattage Wattage
Quantity Quantity
Electricity Rate ($/kWh) Price ($)
Operation Hours Per Year (hrs/yr)
Payment Information:
Your initial payment will be: ($)
Your annual saving will be: ($)
Your total saving in 8 years will be: ($)
Your payback period will be: (years)
Advanced Model for Retrofitting

For precise ROI analysis, there are many more values we need consider to put into the payback calculator including maintenance saving, labor cost, incentives, etc. Starco’s standard socket kits and Fast-Fuse socket kits will help reduce the labor cost and provide more safety.

Please utilize the advanced ROI excel spreadsheet below. For more information, you can email us